
Release v4.1.1.


This first example shows how simple the API can be when using for a one-off item in a script or elsewhere.

from requests import get
from uritemplate import expand

uri = 'https://api.github.com{/user}'

user = get(expand(uri, user='sigmavirus24')).json()

This second example shows how using the class will save you time for template parsing and object creation. Making the template once means the URI is parsed once which decreases the number of URITemplate objects created and usage of the re module. This means that as soon as the file is parsed, the User.github_url and Repository.github_url variables are made once and only once. They’re then usable in every instance of those classes.

from uritemplate import URITemplate

class User(object):
    github_url = URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/user}')
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.uri = self.github_url.expand({'user': name})
        self.name = name

class Repository(object):
    github_url = URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/user}{/repo}')
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.uri = self.github_url.expand(
            dict(zip(['user', 'repo'], name.split('/')))
        self.name = name


uritemplate.api.expand(uri: str, var_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]]] = None, **kwargs: Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]) str#

Expand the template with the given parameters.

  • uri (str) – The templated URI to expand

  • var_dict (dict) – Optional dictionary with variables and values

  • kwargs – Alternative way to pass arguments




expand('https://api.github.com{/end}', {'end': 'users'})
expand('https://api.github.com{/end}', end='gists')


Passing values by both parts, may override values in var_dict. For example:

expand('https://{var}', {'var': 'val1'}, var='val2')

val2 will be used instead of val1.

uritemplate.api.partial(uri: str, var_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]]] = None, **kwargs: Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]) uritemplate.template.URITemplate#

Partially expand the template with the given parameters.

If all of the parameters for the template are not given, return a partially expanded template.

  • var_dict (dict) – Optional dictionary with variables and values

  • kwargs – Alternative way to pass arguments




t = URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/end}')
t.partial()  # => URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/end}')
uritemplate.api.variables(uri: str) uritemplate.orderedset.OrderedSet#

Parse the variables of the template.

This returns all of the variable names in the URI Template.


Set of variable names

Return type



# => {'end'}
# => {'username', 'repository'}
class uritemplate.template.URITemplate(uri: str)#

This parses the template and will be used to expand it.

This is the most important object as the center of the API.


from uritemplate import URITemplate
import requests

t = URITemplate(
uri = t.expand(gist_id=123456)
resp = requests.get(uri)
for gist in resp.json():

Please note:

# 'https://api.github.com/users/sigmavirus24/gists{/gistid}'
repr(t)  # is equivalent to
# URITemplate(str(t))
# Where str(t) is interpreted as the URI string.

Also, URITemplates are hashable so they can be used as keys in dictionaries.

expand(var_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]]] = None, **kwargs: Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]) str#

Expand the template with the given parameters.

  • var_dict (dict) – Optional dictionary with variables and values

  • kwargs – Alternative way to pass arguments




t = URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/end}')
t.expand({'end': 'users'})


Passing values by both parts, may override values in var_dict. For example:

expand('https://{var}', {'var': 'val1'}, var='val2')

val2 will be used instead of val1.

partial(var_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]]] = None, **kwargs: Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]) uritemplate.template.URITemplate#

Partially expand the template with the given parameters.

If all of the parameters for the template are not given, return a partially expanded template.

  • var_dict (dict) – Optional dictionary with variables and values

  • kwargs – Alternative way to pass arguments




t = URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/end}')
t.partial()  # => URITemplate('https://api.github.com{/end}')
uri: str#

The original URI to be parsed.


A set of variable names in the URI.

variables: List[uritemplate.variable.URIVariable]#

A list of the variables in the URI. They are stored as URIVariables

Implementation Details#

Classes, their methods, and functions in this section are not part of the API and as such are not meant to be used by users of uritemplate.py. These are documented here purely for reference as they are inadvertently exposed via the public API.

For example:

t = URITemplate('https://api.github.com/users{/user}')
# => [URIVariable(/user)]

Users can interact with URIVariable objects as they see fit, but their API may change and are not guaranteed to be consistent across versions. Code relying on methods defined on URIVariable and other classes, methods, and functions in this section may break in future releases.

class uritemplate.variable.URIVariable(var: str)#

This object validates everything inside the URITemplate object.

It validates template expansions and will truncate length as decided by the template.

Please note that just like the URITemplate, this object’s __str__ and __repr__ methods do not return the same information. Calling str(var) will return the original variable.

This object does the majority of the heavy lifting. The URITemplate object finds the variables in the URI and then creates URIVariable objects. Expansions of the URI are handled by each URIVariable object. URIVariable.expand() returns a dictionary of the original variable and the expanded value. Check that method’s documentation for more information.

expand(var_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str]], Mapping[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], Tuple[str, Union[int, float, complex, str]], int, float, complex, str]]] = None) Mapping[str, str]#

Expand the variable in question.

Using var_dict and the previously parsed defaults, expand this variable and subvariables.


var_dict (dict) – dictionary of key-value pairs to be used during expansion




# (1)
v = URIVariable('/var')
expansion = v.expand({'var': 'value'})
# => {'/var': '/value'}

# (2)
v = URIVariable('?var,hello,x,y')
expansion = v.expand({'var': 'value', 'hello': 'Hello World!',
                      'x': '1024', 'y': '768'})
# => {'?var,hello,x,y':
#     '?var=value&hello=Hello%20World%21&x=1024&y=768'}